Westpark Towers | 12th Floor | Mpesi Lane | Off Muthithi Road
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00Sat : 09:00 - 12:00

General Insurance

Motor Insurance

We offer two types of covers:

Comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy – This policy is the broadest cover available. It covers against the third-party liability and damage to the vehicle arising out of fire, theft or accidents.

Third-Party Motor Insurance Policy – This policy is the minimum cover required. It covers against any legal liability to a third party caused when you are at fault. It provides unlimited liability for Third-party personal injuries or death.

Fire & Allied Perils Insurance

This policy is meant to indemnify the insured against the loss of or damage to the property insured arising from fire as well as from allied perils such as earthquake, explosion, riot and strike, malicious damage, special perils.

Burglary & Theft Insurance

Are you afraid of break-ins and theft??  We got you covered!!

This policy indemnifies the insured against the loss of or damage to the property insured arising from burglary or housebreaking as defined in the policy. The cover is limited to burglary following forcible or violent entry to or exit from the premise. The policy extends to cover the insured against losses occurring without forcible or violent entry or exit from the insured premises.

Asset All Risk Insurance

An asset all risk policy offers a broad scope of cover and intended to insure all the assets of a company. This business insurance is designed with the intent to insure these assets in one policy document that is customized according to the specific needs of the client. 

Insures your physical portable assets, including computers, laptops, mobile phones, projectors etc against loss or damage caused by fire, lightning, extended perils and other accidental causes covered in the policy terms.

Public Liability Insurance

 Insures you against legal liability for third party bodily injury or property damage arising from your business.

Personal Accident Insurance

 Insures you against legal liability for third party bodily injury or property damage arising from your business.

Domestic or Home Insurance

This includes:
1. Buildings insurance – Cover you against the damage to the property itself
2. Contents insurance – Covers you against the damage or theft of items within the home

WIBA Insurance

The Work Injury Benefit Act Insurance is a statutory benefit cover; all employers must obtain and maintain this policy in respect of their liability. It aims to cover all employees from injuries incurred while at work or on work assignments. Coverage extends over accidental injury, death and disablement but does not compensate staff for deliberate and willful injury misconduct

Golfers Insurance

Golfer’s insurance provides you with a cover against accidents on the golf course or within the club premises. It covers the following items:
1. Equipment Cover – The cover provided for your equipment is such that in the event of a claim you would receive new equipment at your original purchase price, regardless of its age. (Or however the policy dictates)
2. Personal Liability – Protection of your legal position, should you damage property or injure another person whilst playing golf.
3. Personal Accident – Should you be unfortunate enough to sustain a serious injury on the golf course, you will be compensated. Hole-In-One Cover- Pay your club-bar bill in the event you a score a hole-in-one.

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